Upgrade to 8.0.0

On FreeBSD run the following command first to become root:

su -l

New dependencies

Zonemaster::Backend requires new dependencies. Depending on the used OS, run the corresponding command.

Rocky Linux

sudo dnf install perl-libintl perl-Mojolicious
sudo cpanm Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libplack-middleware-reverseproxy-perl libintl-perl libmojolicious-perl

Specific to Ubuntu

sudo cpanm JSON::Validator


pkg install p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy p5-Locale-libintl p5-Mojolicious

Changes in the ini file

New sections and properties have been added to the backend_config.ini file. By default the add_api_user method is disabled. To enable it, add the following to your backend_config.ini file:

enable_add_api_user = yes

See the Configuration document for more information.

Upgrading init scripts

The zm-rpcapi (zm_rpcapi on FreeBSD) init script has been updated. It needs to be reinstalled.

Rocky Linux

cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir=dist_dir -E 'say dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -v -m 755 ./zm-rpcapi.lsb /etc/init.d/zm-rpcapi

Debian / Ubuntu

cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir=dist_dir -E 'say dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -v -m 755 ./zm-rpcapi.lsb /etc/init.d/zm-rpcapi


cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir=dist_dir -E 'say dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
install -v -m 755 ./zm_rpcapi-bsd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/zm_rpcapi

Upgrading the database

If your Zonemaster database was created by a Zonemaster-Backend version smaller than v8.0.0, and not upgraded, use the following instructions.

Depending on the database size this upgrade can take some time (around 30 minutes for a database with 1 million entries)

You may need to run the command with sudo.



cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
perl patch/patch_sqlite_db_zonemaster_backend_ver_8.0.0.pl

MySQL (or MariaDB)

First update the privileges of the zonemaster user:

  • Linux
    sudo mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON zonemaster.* TO 'zonemaster'@'localhost';"
  • FreeBSD
    mysql -u root -p -e "GRANT ALL ON zonemaster.* TO 'zonemaster'@'localhost';"

then run

cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
perl patch/patch_mysql_db_zonemaster_backend_ver_8.0.0.pl



cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
perl patch/patch_postgresql_db_zonemaster_backend_ver_8.0.0.pl