CONNECTIVITY04: IP Prefix Diversity
Test case identifier
Table of contents
- Objective
- Scope
- Inputs
- Summary
- Test procedure
- Outcome(s)
- Special procedural requirements
- Prefix lookup methods
- Intercase dependencies
- Terminology
The objective in this Test Case is to verify that all IP addresses of the domain's authoritative name servers are not announced from the same IP prefix.
RFC 2182, section 3.1, clearly specifies that distinct authoritative name servers for a child domain should be placed in different topological and geographical locations. The objective is to minimise the likelihood of a single failure disabling all of them.
It is assumed that Child Zone is also tested and reported by Connectivity01. This Test Case will just ignore non-responsive name servers or name servers not giving a correct DNS response for an authoritative name server.
- "Child Zone" - The domain name to be tested.
- "Prefix Database" - The database of IP Prefix data to be used. Possible values are "RIPE" and "Cymru" (the default value).
- "Cymru Base Name" - If the Prefix Database is "Cymru", the default value is "".
- "RIS Whois Server" - If the Prefix Database is "RIPE", the default value is "".
Message Tag | Level | Arguments | Message ID for message tag |
CN04_EMPTY_PREFIX_SET | NOTICE | ns_ip | Prefix database returned no information for IP address {ns_ip}. |
CN04_ERROR_PREFIX_DATABASE | NOTICE | ns_ip | Prefix database error for IP address {ns_ip}. |
CN04_IPV4_DIFFERENT_PREFIX | INFO | ns_list | The following name server(s) are announced in unique IPv4 prefix(es): "{ns_list}" |
CN04_IPV4_SAME_PREFIX | NOTICE | ns_list, ip_prefix | The following name server(s) are announced in the same IPv4 prefix ({ip_prefix}): "{ns_list}" |
CN04_IPV4_SINGLE_PREFIX | WARNING | All name server(s) IPv4 address(es) are announced in the same IPv4 prefix. | |
CN04_IPV6_DIFFERENT_PREFIX | INFO | ns_list | The following name server(s) are announced in unique IPv6 prefix(es): "{ns_list}" |
CN04_IPV6_SAME_PREFIX | NOTICE | ns_list, ip_prefix | The following name server(s) are announced in the same IPv6 prefix ({ip_prefix}): "{ns_list}" |
CN04_IPV6_SINGLE_PREFIX | WARNING | All name server(s) IPv6 address(es) are announced in the same IPv6 prefix. |
The value in the Level column is the default severity level of the message. The severity level can be changed in the Zonemaster-Engine Profile. Also see the Severity Level Definitions document.
The argument names in the Arguments column lists the arguments used in the message. The argument names are defined in the Argument List.
Test procedure
Create the following empty sets:
- IP prefix, name server name and IP address ("IPv4 Prefix")
- IP prefix, name server name and IP address ("IPv6 Prefix")
Obtain the set of name server names and IP addresses using Get-Del-NS-Names-and-IPs and Get-Zone-NS-Names-and-IPs in MethodsV2 and split those into IPv4 and IPv6 ("NS IPv4" and "NS IPv6", respectively).
For each IP address in NS IPv4 and NS IPv6 ("NS IP Address"), respectively, do:
- Determine the IP prefix in which NS IP Address is announced using Prefix Database. Go to Prefix Lookup Methods section below with the IP address as input.
- Add found IP prefix, if any, with NS IP Address and name server name to the IPv4 Prefix and IPv6 Prefix sets, respectively.
If the IPv4 Prefix set is non-empty, then do:
- For each IP prefix in the set that has two or more members, output CN04_IPV4_SAME_PREFIX with the prefix and list of all members (name server names and IP addresses) for that prefix.
- For all IP prefixes in the set that have exactly one member, output CN04_IPV4_DIFFERENT_PREFIX with the combined set of their associated members (name server names and IP addresses).
- If all members of NS IPv4 are members of the same IP prefix in IPv4 Prefix then output CN04_IPV4_SINGLE_PREFIX.
If the IPv6 Prefix set is non-empty, then do:
- For each IP prefix in the set that has two or more members, output CN04_IPV6_SAME_PREFIX with the prefix and list of all members (name server names and IP addresses) for that prefix.
- For all IP prefixes in the set that have exactly one member, output CN04_IPV6_DIFFERENT_PREFIX with the combined set of their associated members (name server names and IP addresses).
- If all members of NS IPv6 are members of the same IP prefix in IPv6 Prefix then output CN04_IPV6_SINGLE_PREFIX.
The outcome of this Test Case is "fail" if there is at least one message with the severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
The outcome of this Test Case is "warning" if there is at least one message with the severity level WARNING, but no message with severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
In other cases, no message or only messages with severity level INFO or NOTICE, the outcome of this Test Case is "pass".
Special procedural requirements
This Test Case is dependent on one of two possible services that can provide ASN lookup (Cymru or RIPE RIS). The service must be available over the network.
The Child Zone must be a valid name meeting "Requirements and normalization of domain names in input".
Prefix lookup methods
Use the prefix method set in Prefix Database and the IP address in the call to this section. Refer to the appropriate section below with the IP address as input.
Cymru prefix lookup
The Cymru prefix lookup is described on the Team Cymru IP to ASN Mapping
using DNS lookup, but the default data comes from (Port 179 Ltd
in England and Wales) and is continuously being mapped into
by the Zonemaster project. Data is fetched from The Cymru source can also be used, if
Input is the IP address in the call to this section ("Input IP").
Prepend the Cymru Base Name with the label "origin" (IPv4) or "origin6" (IPv6) ("Expanded Base Name"). Example of expanded basenames :
Reverse Input IP with the same method as is used for reverse lookup ("Reverse IP"). For description see RFC 1035, section 3.5, for IPv4 and RFC 3596, section 2.5, for IPv6.
Prepend the Expanded Base Name with Reverse IP ("Query Name"). See IP to ASN Mapping for details.
Create a DNS Query with query type TXT and query name Query Name. ("TXT Query").
Do DNS Lookup of TXT Query.
If at least one of the following criteria is met, output CN04_EMPTY_PREFIX_SET and exit this lookup:
- The DNS Response has the RCODE Name NXDomain.
- The DNS Response has the RCODE Name NoError and an empty answer section.
If at least one of the following criteria is met, output CN04_ERROR_PREFIX_DATABASE and exit this lookup:
- There is no DNS response.
- The DNS Response does not have the RCODE Name NoError.
- The answer section has no TXT record.
Extract the TXT record(s) from the answer section (see IP to ASN Mapping for examples). Do for each TXT record:
- If the TXT record consists of multiple strings in RDATA, then concatenate the strings into one string.
- Using the format of such string parse the string into its parts and
extract the subnet specification.
- If it was not possible to parse the string, ignore it and go to next TXT record.
- If Input IP does not match the extracted subnet, output CN04_ERROR_PREFIX_DATABASE, break the processing of TXT records and exit this loop without returning any prefix.
- Store the extracted prefix.
If more than one IP prefix was stored from the loop above, keep the most specific and discard the rest.
If no IP prefix was stored, output CN04_EMPTY_PREFIX_SET.
Return the IP prefix, or an empty string if no IP prefix was stored.
RIPE prefix lookup
The RIPE Prefix lookup is described on the RIPE RISwhois page.
Create a query string by prepending the IP address with " -F -M " ("WHOIS String"). E.g., using IP address "":
" -F -M"
Create a WHOIS query (port 43 with the nicname ((whois)) protocol) using the WHOIS String ("WHOIS Query"). E.g., on Linux:
whois -h " -F -M"
Send WHOIS Query to the RIS Whois Server.
If there is no response, output CN04_ERROR_PREFIX_DATABASE and exit this lookup.
Extract the string (non-empty line not prepended with "%") from the response, and do:
- If there is no such string, output CN04_EMPTY_PREFIX_SET and exit this lookup.
- Extract the IP prefix from the second field of the string.
- If it was not possible to extract the IP prefix (i.e., malformed response), output CN04_ERROR_PREFIX_DATABASE and exit this lookup.
Return the IP prefix.
Intercase dependencies
"Concatenate" - The term is used to refer to the conversion of a TXT resource record’s data to a single contiguous string, as specified in RFC 7208, section 3.3.
"DNS Lookup" - The term is used when a recursive lookup is used, though any changes to the DNS tree introduced by an undelegated test must be respected. Compare with "Send".
"Send" - The term "send" (to an IP address) is used when a DNS query is sent to a specific name server IP address. Compare with "DNS Lookup".