ADDRESS02: Reverse DNS entry exists for name server IP address

Test case identifier

ADDRESS02 Reverse DNS entry should exist for name server IP address


Some anti-spam techniques use reverse DNS lookup to allow incoming traffic. In order to prevent name servers to be blocked or blacklisted, DNS administrators should publish PTR records associated to name server addresses.

TODO: Technical reference to be found


The domain name to be tested.

Ordered description of steps to be taken to execute the test case

  1. Obtain the glue address records of the domain checked using Method4

  2. Obtain the IP addresses of each name server of the domain checked using Method5

  3. For each IP address, a recursive PTR query must be performed.

  4. If any answer of the queries performed in step 3 contains an RCODE other than NOERROR or if the answer does not include a PTR record, this test case fails.


If the test case succeeds, its result is a list of addresses with corresponding hostnames which are the result of the PTR queries performed. The result could be represented as a hash table where the keys are the IP addresses and the values their corresponding hostnames.

Special procedural requirements


Intercase dependencies

The outcomes of this test is used as the input of ADDRESS03 test case.