CONSISTENCY05: Consistency between glue and authoritative data
Test case identifier
For name servers that have IP addresses listed as glue, the IP addresses must match the authoritative A and AAAA records for that host. This is an IANA name server requirement.
The objective of this test is to verify that the glue records in the delegation are consistent with authoritative data.
It is assumed that Child Zone is also tested by Connectivity01. This test case will set DEBUG level on messages for non-responsive name servers.
- "Child Zone" - The domain name to be tested.
Ordered description of steps to be taken to execute the test case
Obtain the set of name server names from the NS records in the delegation of Child Zone using Method2 and any glue IP addresses from the same delegation using Method4.
Extract the in-bailiwick name server names and create the set "Delegation Strict Glue", where each name server name is matched with its IP address or addresses, if available. (The set may be empty.)
Extract the out-of-bailiwick name server names and create the set "Delegation Extended Glue", where each name server name is matched with its IP address or addresses, if available. (The set may be empty.)
Obtain the set of name server names for the Child Zone using Method2 and Method3 and extract the in-bailiwick name server names, "IB NS Name Set". (The set may be empty.)
Create an empty set of name server name with associated IP address or addresses, "Address Records From Child".
If IB NS Name Set is non-empty, obtain the set of name server IP addresses, "NS IP", for Child Zone using Method4 and Method5.
If IB NS Name Set is non-empty, then for each name server name in that set do:
Create one A query and one AAAA query with the RD flag unset and name server name as owner name.
For each name server in NS IP and for each record types (A, AAAA):
- Send the address query to the name server.
- If there is no DNS response from the server, then output NO_RESPONSE.
- Or, if the response is a delegation (referral) to a
sub-zone of Child Zone, then:
- Copy the address query (A, AAAA) that gave the referral response.
- Set the RD flag in the copied query (from unset to set).
- Do a DNS Lookup of the query.
- If the lookup returns the relevant address record or records, A for A record query and AAAA for AAAA record query, and with the same owner name as in the query (i.e. CNAME should not be followed), then extract those and add to Address Records From Child with name and IP address or addresses.
- Or, if the response has the AA flag unset, then output CHILD_NS_FAILED.
- Or, if the RCODE of the response is neither NOERROR nor NXDOMAIN, then output CHILD_NS_FAILED.
- Or, if the RCODE is NOERROR (with the AA flag set), then extract any address records (A, AAAA) from the answer section whose owner name matches the owner name of the query (i.e. CNAME should not be followed) and add that or those to Address Records From Child with name and IP.
- Else, there is nothing to do (i.e. RCODE is NXDOMAIN).
If all servers outputted NO_RESPONSE or CHILD_NS_FAILED, then output CHILD_ZONE_LAME and completely stop processing this test case.
Compare the IP address for the name servers from Delegation Strict Glue with Address Records From Child (i.e. in-bailiwick only).
If an IP from Delegation Strict Glue is not listed in Address Records From Child with that same name server name, then output IN_BAILIWICK_ADDR_MISMATCH.
If an IP from Address Records From Child is not listed in Delegation Strict Glue with that same name server name, then output EXTRA_ADDRESS_CHILD.
For each name server name in Delegation Extended Glue (i.e. out-of-bailiwick only) ("DEG Name Server Name") do:
Do two DNS Lookups, one record type A and one record type AAAA, for DEG Name Server Name on public DNS and create a set of the IP addresses from the A and AAAA records, respectively, from the answer sections of the responses and that matches the owner name of the query (i.e. CNAME should not be followed). (The set will be empty if there are no relevant records in the answer sections or if there is no response, e.g. SERVFAIL.)
For each IP address for DEG Name Server Name in Delegation Extended Glue do:
- If the address is not member of the IP address set created in the previous DNS lookups, output OUT_OF_BAILIWICK_ADDR_MISMATCH.
The outcome of this Test Case is "fail" if there is at least one message with the severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
The outcome of this Test Case is "warning" if there is at least one message with the severity level WARNING, but no message with severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
The outcome of this Test case is "pass" in all other cases.
Message | Default severity level (when message is outputted) |
Special procedural requirements
If either IPv4 or IPv6 transport is disabled, ignore the evaluation of the result of any test using this transport protocol and log a message reporting the ignored result.
If the test is an undelegated test then Method2 and Method4 will include the provided input data instead of data from any real delegation and authoritative data.
For an undelegated test it is possible to intentionally insert data for out-of-bailiwick name servers that do not match what is found in public DNS. This Test Case will then report this as an ERROR which may not match the users expectation.
It is assumed that the name servers of the parent zone behave the same way for the parent zone as when BASIC01 was run.
Intercase dependencies
The terms "in-bailiwick" and "out-of-bailiwick" are used as defined in RFC 7719, section 6, page 15.
The term "glue records" is defined in RFC 7719, section 6, page 15. Here we use "glue" in the wider sense.
When the term "using Method" is used, names and IP addresses are fetched using the defined Methods.
The term "send" (to an IP address) is used when a DNS query is sent to a specific name server.
The term "DNS Lookup" is used when a recursive lookup is used, though any changes to the DNS tree introduced by an undelegated test must be respected.