ZONE01: Fully qualified master nameserver in SOA

Test case identifier

ZONE01 Fully qualified master nameserver in SOA

Table of contents


The MNAME field from the SOA record of a zone is supposed to contain the master name server for that zone. The hostname of the MNAME field may not be listed in the NS records in the zone among the delegated name servers, but should still be authoritative for the zone. MNAME may be used for other services such as DNS NOTIFY described in RFC1996.

RFC1035, section 3.3.13, specifies that "the domain-name of the name server that was the original or primary source of data for this zone".

RFC1996, section 2, and RFC2136, section 1, add that "the primary master is named in the zone's SOA MNAME field and optionally by an NS RR. There is by definition only one primary master server per zone".

RFC2181, section 7.2, clarifies that "it is quite clear in the specifications, yet seems to have been widely ignored, that the MNAME field of the SOA record should contain the name of the primary (master) server for the zone identified by the SOA. It should not contain the name of the zone itself. That information would be useless, as to discover it, one needs to start with the domain name of the SOA record - that is the name of the zone".

There exists an unstandardized practice to set the SOA MNAME to ".", which should not be interpreted that there is no primary master server, but to indicate that there is no default server for dynamic updates. With ".", SOA MNAME has no server name. There is at least one old and expired Internet-Draft that attempted to standardize that behavior, draft-jabley-dnsop-missing-mname. If the SOA MNAME is an empty name (".") this Test Case will not try to connect to a server behind it since there will never be a server behind that name, as the purpose is most definitely to follow that practice. Instead, a special message will be outputted.

This Test Case will check that:

  • the SOA MNAME contains the master name server of Child Zone, as best as it can be determined.
  • the SOA MNAME name server is authoritative of Child Zone.
  • the SOA SERIAL of the SOA MNAME is at least equal to the ones found from the name servers in the NS record set of Child Zone. This comparison must be done following RFC1982.
  • the SOA MNAME name server is listed as part of the NS record set of Child Zone.


It is assumed that Child Zone is tested and reported by CONNECTIVITY01. This Test Case will just ignore non-responsive name servers or name servers not giving a correct DNS response for an authoritative name server, except if the name server is listed in the SOA MNAME.

The syntax of the SOA MNAME for Child Zone is not tested in this Test Case, see SYNTAX07.

The consistency of the SOA MNAME between different servers of Child Zone is not tested by this Test Case, see CONSISTENCY06.


  • "Child Zone" - The domain name to be tested.


Message TagLevelArgumentsMessage ID for message tag
Z01_MNAME_HAS_LOCALHOST_ADDRWARNINGnsname, ns_ipSOA MNAME name server "{nsname}" resolves to a localhost IP address ({ns_ip}).
Z01_MNAME_IS_DOTNOTICEns_ip_listSOA MNAME is specified as "." which usually means "no server". Fetched from name servers "{ns_ip_list}".
Z01_MNAME_IS_LOCALHOSTWARNINGns_ip_listSOA MNAME name server is "localhost", which is invalid. Fetched from name servers "{ns_ip_list}".
Z01_MNAME_IS_MASTERDEBUGns_listSOA MNAME name server(s) "{ns_list}" appears to be master.
Z01_MNAME_MISSING_SOA_RECORDWARNINGnsSOA MNAME name server "{ns}" responds to an SOA query with no SOA records in the answer section.
Z01_MNAME_NO_RESPONSEWARNINGnsSOA MNAME name server "{ns}" does not respond to an SOA query.
Z01_MNAME_NOT_AUTHORITATIVEWARNINGnsSOA MNAME name server "{ns}" is not authoritative for the zone.
Z01_MNAME_NOT_IN_NS_LISTINFOnsnameSOA MNAME name server "{nsname}" is not listed as NS record for the zone.
Z01_MNAME_NOT_MASTERWARNINGns_list, soaserial, soaserial_listSOA MNAME name server(s) "{ns_list}" do(es) not have the highest SOA SERIAL (expected "{soaserial}" but got "{soaserial_list}")
Z01_MNAME_NOT_RESOLVEWARNINGnsnameSOA MNAME name server "{nsname}" cannot be resolved into an IP address.
Z01_MNAME_UNEXPECTED_RCODEWARNINGns, rcodeSOA MNAME name server "{ns}" gives unexpected RCODE name ("{rcode}") in response to an SOA query.

The value in the Level column is the default severity level of the message. The severity level can be changed in the Zonemaster-Engine profile. Also see the Severity Level Definitions document.

The argument names in the Arguments column lists the arguments used in the message. The argument names are defined in the argument list.

Test procedure

In this section and unless otherwise specified below, the terms "DNS Query" follow the specification for DNS queries as specified in DNS Query and Response Defaults. The handling of the DNS responses on the DNS queries follow, unless otherwise specified below, what is specified for DNS Response in the same specification.

  1. Create a DNS Query with query type SOA and query name Child Zone ("SOA Query").

  2. Create the following empty sets:

    1. Name server SOA MNAME name, SOA MNAME IP address(es), SOA SERIAL(s) ("MNAME Nameservers")
    2. Name server SOA SERIAL ("SERIAL Nameservers")
    3. Name server SOA MNAME name, SOA MNAME IP address, SOA SERIAL ("MNAME Not Master")
    4. Name server SOA MNAME name, SOA MNAME IP address ("MNAME Is Master")
    5. Name server IP address ("MNAME Is Localhost")
    6. Name server IP address ("MNAME Is Dot")
  3. Obtain the set of name server IP addresses using Method4 and Method5 ("Name Server IP").

  4. For each name server IP address in Name Server IP do:

    1. Send SOA Query to the name server IP and collect the response.
    2. Go to next name server IP address if at least one of the following criteria is met:
      1. There is no DNS response.
      2. RCODE Name of the response is not "NoError".
      3. The AA flag is not set in the response.
      4. There is no SOA record with owner name matching the query.
    3. From the DNS response, extract the name server name from the SOA MNAME field:
      1. If the name is "localhost", then add name server IP address to the MNAME Is Localhost set.
      2. Else if the name is ".", then add name server IP address to the MNAME Is Dot set.
      3. Else, add SOA MNAME name server name to the MNAME Nameservers set.
    4. From the SOA record in the DNS response, extract the value from the SOA SERIAL field and add it to the SERIAL Nameservers set.
    5. Go to next name server IP address.
  5. If the set MNAME Is Localhost is non-empty, then output Z01_MNAME_IS_LOCALHOST with name server(s) IP address(es).

  6. If the set MNAME Is Dot is non-empty, then output Z01_MNAME_IS_DOT with name server(s) IP address(es).

  7. If the set MNAME Nameservers is empty, then terminate these procedures.

  8. Obtain the set of name server names using Method3 ("Child Nameservers").

  9. For each SOA MNAME name server name in MNAME Nameservers do:

    1. If the SOA MNAME name server name is not part of the Child Nameservers set, then output Z01_MNAME_NOT_IN_NS_LIST with SOA MNAME name server name.
    2. Do a DNS Lookup of SOA MNAME name server name (A and AAAA) and add the SOA MNAME name server IP address(es) found to the MNAME Nameservers set for the same entry as the SOA MNAME name server name.
    3. If at least one IP address from the previous step was found, then:
      1. For each SOA MNAME name server IP address for the SOA MNAME name server name do:
        1. If the IP address is a localhost address ( or ::1), then output Z01_MNAME_HAS_LOCALHOST_ADDR with SOA MNAME name server name and IP.
        2. Else, send SOA Query to the name server IP and collect the response.
          1. If there is a DNS response, with RCODE Name "NoError" and an SOA record in the answer section, then:
            1. If the AA flag is not set, then output Z01_MNAME_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE with SOA MNAME name server name and IP address.
            2. Else, add the SOA SERIAL value to the MNAME Nameservers set for the SOA MNAME name server name and IP pair.
          2. Else if RCODE Name is not "NoError", then output Z01_MNAME_UNEXPECTED_RCODE with RCODE Name, SOA MNAME name server name and IP address.
          3. Else if there is no SOA record in the answer section, then output Z01_MNAME_MISSING_SOA_RECORD with SOA MNAME name server name and IP address.
          4. Else, output Z01_MNAME_NO_RESPONSE with SOA MNAME name server name and IP address.
        3. Go to next SOA MNAME name server IP.
    4. Else, output Z01_MNAME_NOT_RESOLVE with SOA MNAME name server name.
    5. Go to next SOA MNAME name server name.
  10. If there is no SOA SERIAL in the MNAME Nameservers set, then terminate these procedures.

  11. For each SOA SERIAL (per SOA MNAME name server name and IP address pair) in MNAME Nameservers do:

    1. For each SOA SERIAL in SERIAL Nameservers do:
      1. Compare both SOA SERIAL values (using the arithmetic in RFC1982).
      2. If the one from SERIAL Nameservers is higher, then add SOA MNAME name server name, IP address and SOA SERIAL of the current SOA SERIAL value from the MNAME Nameservers set to the MNAME Not Master set, and go to next SOA SERIAL (from the MNAME Nameservers set).
    2. Add SOA MNAME name server name and IP address to the MNAME Is Master set.
  12. If the set MNAME Not Master is non-empty, then output Z01_MNAME_NOT_MASTER with SOA MNAME name server name(s), IP address(es) and SOA SERIAL from the set, along with the SOA SERIAL values from the SERIAL Nameservers set.

  13. If the set MNAME Is Master is non-empty, then output Z01_MNAME_IS_MASTER with SOA MNAME name server name(s) and IP address(es) from the set.


The outcome of this Test Case is "fail" if there is at least one message with the severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.

The outcome of this Test Case is "warning" if there is at least one message with the severity level WARNING, but no message with severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.

In other cases, no message or only messages with severity level INFO or NOTICE, the outcome of this Test Case is "pass".

Special procedural requirements

If either IPv4 or IPv6 transport is disabled, skip sending queries over that transport protocol. A message will be outputted reporting that the transport protocol has been skipped.

Intercase dependencies



  • "DNS Lookup" - The term is used when a recursive lookup is used, though any changes to the DNS tree introduced by an undelegated test must be respected.