ZONE11: SPF policy validation
Test case identifier
Table of contents
- Objective
- Scope
- Inputs
- Summary
- Test procedure
- Outcome(s)
- Special procedural requirements
- Intercase dependencies
- Terminology
Sender Policy Framework (SPF), described in RFC 7208, is a mechanism allowing domain name owners to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail claiming to be from that domain. It is implemented by means of TXT records in a structured format.
This test case looks up SPF records in the apex of Child Zone. It checks that there is at most one published SPF version 1 policy and, if present, also checks its syntax.
It is assumed that Child Zone has been tested and reported by Connectivity01. This test case will just ignore non-responsive name servers or name servers not giving a correct DNS response for an authoritative name server.
- "Child Zone" - The domain name to be tested.
Message Tag | Level | Arguments | Message ID for message tag |
Z11_INCONSISTENT_SPF_POLICIES | WARNING | One or more name servers do not publish the same SPF policy as the others. | |
Z11_DIFFERENT_SPF_POLICIES_FOUND | NOTICE | ns_ip_list | The following name servers returned the same SPF policy, but other name servers returned a different policy. Name servers: {ns_ip_list}. |
Z11_NO_SPF_FOUND | NOTICE | domain | No SPF policy was found for {domain}. |
Z11_SPF1_MULTIPLE_RECORDS | ERROR | ns_ip_list | The following name servers returned more than one SPF policy. Name servers: {ns_ip_list}. |
Z11_SPF1_SYNTAX_ERROR | ERROR | domain, ns_ip_list | The SPF policy of {domain} has a syntax error. Policy retrieved from the following nameservers: {ns_ip_list}. |
Z11_SPF1_SYNTAX_OK | INFO | domain | The SPF policy of {domain} has correct syntax. |
Z11_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_FOR_SPF | ERROR | None of the zone’s name servers responded with an authoritative response to queries for SPF policies. |
The value in the Level column is the default severity level of the message. The severity level can be changed in the Zonemaster-Engine profile. Also see the Severity Level Definitions document.
The argument names in the Arguments column lists the arguments used in the message. The argument names are defined in the argument list.
Test procedure
In this section and unless otherwise specified below, the term "DNS Query" follows the specification for DNS queries as specified in DNS Query and Response Defaults. The handling of the DNS responses on the DNS queries follow, unless otherwise specified below, what is specified for DNS Response in the same specification.
Create a DNS Query with query type TXT and query name Child Zone ("TXT query").
Create an empty set of pairs of IP addresses and strings, "SPF-Policies".
Obtain the set of name server IP addresses using Method4 and Method5 ("Name Server IP").
For each name server in Name Server IP do:
Send TXT Query to the name server and collect the DNS Response.
Go to the next name server IP address if at least one of the following criteria is met:
- There is no DNS response.
- RCODE Name of the response is not "NoError".
- The AA flag is not set in the response.
If the name server responds with no TXT record, then add the pair consisting of the Name Server IP and the empty string to the SPF-Policies set.
If the name server responds with at least one TXT record and none is an SPF TXT record, then add the pair consisting of the Name Server IP and the empty string to the SPF-Policies set.
If the name server responds with at least one TXT record that is an SPF TXT record, then, for each SPF TXT record do:
- Concatenate all strings in the RDATA field.
- Lowercase the resulting string.
- Add a pair consisting of the Name Server IP and the lowercase string thus derived from the RDATA field to the SPF-Policies set.
Go to the next name server.
If the SPF-Policies set is empty, then output Z11_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_FOR_SPF and terminate the test.
If all the pairs in the SPF-Policies set contain empty strings, then output Z11_NO_SPF_FOUND and terminate the test.
Compare the set of SPF-Policies retrieved from all name servers. If at least two different name servers have returned different sets of SPF policies, then:
- Group SPF-Policies by equal sets of SPF policies, such that a set of SPF policies is mapped to the list of Name Server IPs that returned it.
- For each such group of name servers, output Z11_DIFFERENT_SPF_POLICIES_FOUND.
- Terminate the test.
If the SPF-Policies set contains at least two entries with the same IP address, then output Z11_SPF1_MULTIPLE_RECORDS with the list of nameservers that returned more than one SPF policy and terminate the test.
The following steps assume that all pairs in the SPF-Policies set have the same string ("SPF policy").
If the SPF Policy does not pass the syntax check for SPF version 1 records, then output Z11_SPF1_SYNTAX_ERROR and terminate the test.
If no other message was outputted by this test case, then output Z11_SPF1_SYNTAX_OK.
The outcome of this Test Case is "fail" if there is at least one message with the severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
The outcome of this Test Case is "warning" if there is at least one message with the severity level WARNING, but no message with severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.
In other cases, no message or only messages with severity level INFO or NOTICE, the outcome of this Test Case is "pass".
Special procedural requirements
If either IPv4 or IPv6 transport is disabled, skip sending queries over that transport protocol. A message will be outputted reporting that the transport protocol has been skipped.
Intercase dependencies
"SPF TXT record" - The term is used to refer to a TXT resource record which, after concatenating all strings within that resource record into one string, yields a string either equal to
or starting withv=spf1
followed by a space, irrespective of character case. -
"concatenate" - The term is used to refer to the conversion of a TXT resource record’s data to a single contiguous string, as specified in RFC 7208, section 3.3.
"passing the syntax check" - The term is used in this document to refer to text that is valid according to the ABNF grammar published in RFC 7208 starting from section 4.5. Alternatively, the reader may use an online SPF syntax validator; however, such online validators should not be used as normative references.
"using Method" - The term is used when data is fetched using the defined Method.