Test case identifier



CDS and CDNSKEY record types are defined in RFC 7344 and RFC 8078. Both record types are optional in a zone. The objective of this test case is to verify that the CDNSKEY RRset is valid. This test case is only relevant if the zone has at least one CDNSKEY record. For tests of the CDS, see test case DNSSEC16.


It is assumed that Child Zone is also tested by Connectivity01. This test case will just ignore non-responsive name servers or name servers not giving a correct DNS response for an authoritative name server.

It is assumed that Child Zone has been tested or will be tested by DNSSEC15 and DNSSEC16 and that the servers give the same responses. Running this test case without running DNSSEC15 and DNSSEC16 can give an incomplete report of the CDS and CDNSKEY status of Child Zone.


  • "Child Zone" - The domain name to be tested.


  • If no CDNSKEY record is found, the test case will terminate early with no message tag outputted.
  • If a CDNSKEY record is of "delete" type, then it can by definition not match or point at any DNSKEY record.
Message Tag outputtedDefault levelDescription of when message tag is outputted
DS17_CDNSKEY_IS_NON_SEPNOTICECDNSKEY record has the SEP bit (bit 15) unset.
DS17_CDNSKEY_IS_NON_ZONEERRORCDNSKEY record has the zone bit (bit 7) unset.
DS17_CDNSKEY_NOT_SIGNED_BY_CDNSKEYNOTICECDNSKEY RRset is not signed by the key that the CDNSKEY record points to.
DS17_DELETE_CDNSKEYINFOCDNSKEY RRset has a "delete" CDNSKEY record as a single record.
DS17_DNSKEY_NOT_SIGNED_BY_CDNSKEYWARNINGDNSKEY RRset is not signed by the key or keys that the CDNSKEY records point to.
DS17_MIXED_DELETE_CDNSKEYERROR"Delete" CDNSKEY record is mixed with normal CDNSKEY record.

Ordered description of steps to be taken to execute the test case

  1. Create the following empty sets:

    1. Name server IP address and associated CDNSKEY RRset and its RRSIG records ("CDNSKEY RRsets"). The set of RRSIG records may be empty
    2. Name server IP address and associated DNSKEY RRset and its RRSIG records ("DNSKEY RRsets"). The set of RRSIG records may be empty.
    3. Name server IP address ("No DNSKEY RRset").
    4. Name server IP address ("Mixed Delete CDNSKEY").
    5. Name server IP address ("Delete CDNSKEY").
    6. Name server IP address and associated CDNSKEY key tag ("No Match CDNSKEY With DNSKEY").
    7. Name server IP address and associated CDNSKEY key tag ("CDNSKEY is non-zone key").
    8. Name server IP address and associated CDNSKEY key tag ("CDNSKEY is non-SEP key").
    9. Name server IP address and key tag ("DNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY").
    10. Name server IP address and key tag ("CDNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY").
    11. Name server IP address ("CDNSKEY Not Signed").
    12. Name server IP address and key tag ("CDNSKEY Signed By Unknown DNSKEY").
    13. Name server IP address and key tag ("CDNSKEY Invalid RRSIG").
  2. Create a CDNSKEY query with EDNS enabled and the DO bit set for the apex of the Child Zone.

  3. Create a DNSKEY query with EDNS enabled and the DO bit set for the apex of the Child Zone.

  4. Retrieve all name server IP addresses for the Child Zone using Method4 and Method5 ("NS IP").

  5. Repeat the following steps for each name server IP address in NS IP:

    1. Send the CDNSKEY query over UDP to the name server IP address.
      1. If no DNS response is returned, then go to next name server IP.
      2. Else, if AA bit is not set in the DNS response, then go to next name server IP.
      3. Else, if the RCODE in the DNS response is not NOERROR, then go to next name server IP.
      4. Else, if the answer section has no CDNSKEY records, go to next name server IP.
      5. Add the name server IP and the CDNSKEY RRset from the answer section to the CDNSKEY RRsets set. Also include any associated RRSIG records in the answer section.
    2. Send the DNSKEY query over UDP to the name server IP address.
      1. If no DNS response is returned, then go to next name server IP.
      2. Else, if AA bit is not set in the DNS response, then go to next name server IP.
      3. Else, if the RCODE in the DNS response is not NOERROR, then go to next name server IP.
      4. Else, if the DNS response contains at least one DNSKEY record in the answer section, then add the name server IP and the DNSKEY RRset from the answer section to the DNSKEY RRsets set. Also include any associated RRSIG records in the answer section.
    3. Go to next name server IP.
  6. If the CDNSKEY RRsets set is empty then terminate this test case.

  7. For each name server IP in the CDNSKEY RRsets set do:

    1. If the CDNSKEY RRset is empty go to next name server IP address.

    2. Get the CDNSKEY RRset and the associated RRSIG records, if any, from the CDNSKEY RRsets set for the name server IP.

    3. If any CDNSKEY record is a "delete" CDNSKEY, then do:

      1. If there is more than a single CDNSKEY record then add the name server IP to the Mixed Delete CDNSKEY set.
      2. Else, add the name server IP address to the Delete CDNSKEY set.
    4. Get the DNSKEY RRset and the associated RRSIG records, if any, from the DNSKEY RRsets for the same name server IP.

    5. If there are no DNSKEY records, then do:

      1. Add name server IP address to the No DNSKEY RRset set (duplicates not possible).
      2. Go to next name server IP.
    6. Repeat the following steps for each CDNSKEY record unless it is a "delete" CDNSKEY record:

      1. If bit 7 of the flags field of the CDNSKEY record is unset (value 0) then add the name server IP address and the key tag calculated from the CDNSKEY record to the CDNSKEY is non-zone key set.
      2. Else, do:
        1. If bit 15 of the flags field of the CDNSKEY is unset (value 0) then add the name server IP address and the key tag calculated from the CDNSKEY to the CDNSKEY is non-SEP key set.
        2. Compare the CDNSKEY record with the DNSKEY records.
        3. If the CDNSKEY record does not match any DNSKEY record then add the name server IP address and the key tag calculated from the CDNSKEY record to the No Match CDNSKEY With DNSKEY set.
        4. Else, do:
          1. If the DNSKEY RRset is not signed by the DNSKEY record that corresponds to the CDNSKEY record then add the name server IP address and key tag calculated from CDNSKEY record to the DNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY set.
          2. If the CDNSKEY RRset is not signed by the DNSKEY record that corresponds to the CDNSKEY record then add the name server IP address and key tag calculated from CDNSKEY record to the CDNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY set.
    7. If the CDNSKEY RRset is not signed, then add the name server IP address to the CDNSKEY Not Signed set.

    8. Else, for each RRSIG for the CDNSKEY RRset do:

      1. If the key tag of the RRSIG does not match any DNSKEY record in the DNSKEY RRset then add the name server IP address and key tag to the CDNSKEY Signed By Unknown DNSKEY set.
      2. Else, if the RRSIG cannot be validated by the DNSKEY it refers to by key tag, then add the name server IP and RRSIG key tag to the CDNSKEY Invalid RRSIG set.
    9. Go to next name server IP address.

  8. If the No DNSKEY RRset set is non-empty, then output DS17_CDNSKEY_WITHOUT_DNSKEY with all name server IP addresses in the set.

  9. If the Mixed Delete CDNSKEY set is non-empty, then output DS17_MIXED_DELETE_CDNSKEY with all name server IP addresses in the set.

  10. If the Delete CDNSKEY set is non-empty then output DS17_DELETE_CDNSKEY with all name server IP addresses.

  11. If the No Match CDNSKEY With DNSKEY set is non-empty then do:

    • For each CDNSKEY key tag in the set do:
  12. If the CDNSKEY is non-zone key set is non-empty then do:

    • For each CDNSKEY key tag in the set do:
      • Output DS17_CDNSKEY_IS_NON_ZONE with the CDNSKEY key tag and the name server IP addresses in the set for that key tag.
  13. If the CDNSKEY is non-SEP key set is non-empty then do:

    • For each CDNSKEY key tag in the set do:
      • Output DS17_CDNSKEY_IS_NON_SEP with the CDNSKEY key tag and the name server IP addresses in the set for that key tag.
  14. If the DNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY set is non-empty then do:

    • For each CDNSKEY key tag in the set do:
  15. If the CDNSKEY Not Signed By CDNSKEY set is non-empty then do:

    • For each CDNSKEY key tag in the set do:
  16. If the CDNSKEY Invalid RRSIG set is non-empty then do:

    • For each RRSIG key tag in the set do:
  17. If the CDNSKEY Not Signed set is non-empty then output DS17_CDNSKEY_UNSIGNED with all name server IP addresses in the set.

  18. If the CDNSKEY Signed By Unknown DNSKEY set is non-empty then output DS17_CDNSKEY_SIGNED_BY_UNKNOWN_DNSKEY with the name server IP addresses in the set.


The outcome of this Test Case is "fail" if there is at least one message with the severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.

The outcome of this Test Case is "warning" if there is at least one message with the severity level WARNING, but no message with severity level ERROR or CRITICAL.

In other cases, no message or only messages with severity level INFO or NOTICE, the outcome of this Test Case is "pass".

Special procedural requirements

If either IPv4 or IPv6 transport is disabled, ignore the evaluation of the result of any test using this transport protocol. Log a message reporting the ignored protocol.

Intercase dependencies
